Is it the riveting conversation? The ability to rub any, See its not conceivable. Me was not thinking of any Adversity When I thought Fanani Flava Only Nicesities Maybe It's the wine And the understanding wiles The place we've set for life to have smiles At every stage like a baby growing Though there's the late night pledge It's all a beauty wedged In its experience Fanani Flava; A place to Savor By Ketronique



Should I be gone and live
or stay and die?
this dry sorrow drinks my blood
slowly sucking the life out of me.

We use to travel our route together
I never left you
you never led me astray
we were inseparable like sickness and its cure
like day and night
like cold and heat;
until you changed our route
for your strange route
that I never knew before nor expected to go.
You lie to me, O daladala
remember when I trusted you to carry me
through that smooth route
of quiet road and promises of tomorrow,
but where are we now?
why passing me through this route so endless and rough?

O daladala tumeshapoteza njia yetu
sasa si marafiki tena
nimeamua kuachia ngazi
sitaki tena kupelekwa nisipotaka.
And although I keep wishing to trust you again
the truth is I do not have the hope..
for it has forsaken me.

O daladala wewe ni mwendo wa kasi
Polepole nimejitoa nikuachie nafasi.

Ezekiel Kihali

1 comment:

Fanani Flava said...

Loverbuoy....and Daladala??yeah right!!