Is it the riveting conversation? The ability to rub any, See its not conceivable. Me was not thinking of any Adversity When I thought Fanani Flava Only Nicesities Maybe It's the wine And the understanding wiles The place we've set for life to have smiles At every stage like a baby growing Though there's the late night pledge It's all a beauty wedged In its experience Fanani Flava; A place to Savor By Ketronique

Poems Read in Aug2010


Titi la mama litamu,hata likiwa la mbwa,

Kiswahili naazimu, sifayo iliyofumbwa,

Kwa wasiokufahamu, niimbe ilivyo kubwa,

Toka kama mlizamu, funika palipozibwa,

Titile mama litamu , Jingine halishi hamu.

Lugha yangu ya utoto, hata sasa nimekua,

Tangu ulimi mzito, sasa kusema najua,

Ni sawa na manukato, moyoni mwangu na pua,

Pori bahari na mto, napita nikitumia,

Titile mama litamu, jingine halishi hamu.

-------- TRANSLATION --------

One's mother's breast is the sweetest

Canine it may be,

And thou,Swahili,my mother- tonque,

art still the dearest to me.

My song springs forth from a welling

heart, I offer thee my plea

That who have not known thee,

may join in hormage to thee.

One's mother's breast is the sweetest,

no other so satisfies.

The speech of my childhood ,

now I am fully grown

I realize thy beauty and have made it

all on my own

And though refreshest my spirit like the

scent of the roses blown

Through desert and o'er ocean may I

thy praises known.

One's mother's breast is the sweetest,

no other so satisfies.

By By Shaban Rorbert, from Jahadhmi's anthology of Swahili poetrythology



Pulsating, sweating



A choking sob

Tears flowing

Painful howling and yelling

A dark room


Bloodshot and tear stained eyes

Looking up and looking out to a dark and cold world

Tear streaked face and hoarse voice

From all the pain endured.

And yet am still here,

My hear full of query as to why I am

Fear, gripping me, holding me,

Too scared to leave.

By Glory Seruhere


Take a trip with me then

Down memory lane

Where it's all plain

For you to see

You were there

And so was I

Perhaps I am a lit'l selfish

Wanting to hear all again

But you face lights up when you share

I cannot sway

When I begin to listen

As if caught up in a trance

For nothing else comes my way

Oh that it would stay that way.

I find myself wishing upon a sky

This pleasure that we make,

None can take,

For when we are together,

Nothing maters,

Nothing interferes,

I find myself invincible to anything else,

I think I am IMMORTAL.

By Glory Seruhene



the Flowers withers
and roses wilts
It never crossed my mind
That the feelings I have for you
Is also mortal!
Our love, strong as it is
Is breathing its last.
How can special One
Cease to be
How can a divine fondness
Cease to be felt
How can a cherished bond
Be no more
How can loyalty

was a song I used to sing
praising our everlasting love
a song which now
is a distant forgotten echo.
my heartbeats no longer
plays your favorite song
someone stole your melody
and I cant stop
this sweet crime
and this poem
mark the beginning of an end
and it’s time
to get rid of tattoos
cry, our last drop

Jinory 2010

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