Is it the riveting conversation? The ability to rub any, See its not conceivable. Me was not thinking of any Adversity When I thought Fanani Flava Only Nicesities Maybe It's the wine And the understanding wiles The place we've set for life to have smiles At every stage like a baby growing Though there's the late night pledge It's all a beauty wedged In its experience Fanani Flava; A place to Savor By Ketronique

Erik Faxgard

Happiness is a house

Well the moon is broken
And the sky is cracked
Come on up to the house
The only things that u can see is all that u lack
Come on up to the house

All your crying wont do no good
Come on up to the house
Come down off the cross
We can use the wood
Come on up to the house

It's a long time since we drank champagne
That wasn't even made for us
Come on up to the house
The world is not our home,
we're just passing through
Come on up to the house

There's no light in the tunnel
No irons in the fire
Come on up to the house
And you're a singing lead-soprano in junk-mans choir
Come on up to the house

The seas are stormy and u can’t find your port
Come on up to the house
And there is nothing in the world that u can do
Then just Come on up to the house

Erik Faxgard


Unknown said...

Fantastic to have a poetry blog in Tanzania. I like the variety of styles and content even the mixture of Kiswahili and English. Maybe you could add small profiles of the poets. I have added you guys to my link.What exactly does Fanani Flava mean?

luihamu said...

This is good.
I have been reading Mutabaruka poems for a long time so ilove poems.

Nuff Nuff Respect.

Anande said...

That poem does bring the contentful feeling of happiness well writeen amadingly driven so good work