Is it the riveting conversation? The ability to rub any, See its not conceivable. Me was not thinking of any Adversity When I thought Fanani Flava Only Nicesities Maybe It's the wine And the understanding wiles The place we've set for life to have smiles At every stage like a baby growing Though there's the late night pledge It's all a beauty wedged In its experience Fanani Flava; A place to Savor By Ketronique

Recited on 2nd Birthday Party by Angela

The TRIALS in my world ....
By Angela Kasamala

I asked for friends,
I was given enemies that I may show them love;
I asked for a lover,
I was given betrayal that I could strengthen my heart;
I asked for forgiveness,
I still suffered the consequences that I could be tested by faith;
I asked for love,
I was given hatred that I may know the difference;
I asked for strength,
I was give weakness that I may learn to depend on God;
I asked to pass my trials,
I failed that I may review my life;
I asked for the future,
I was given my past that I may learn from it;
I asked for self-confidence,
I got fear that I may learn to respect others;
I asked for freedom,
I got trapped that I may try to imagine freedom;
I asked for peace at heart,
I got problems that I may appreciate peace;
I asked for joy,
but I received sadness that I may try to make the best of my situation;
I did not get anything I asked for,
but I gained much more and I learnt....


My Dying wish was ...
By Angela Kasamala

(Let me go for I am the chosen one this time)

My eyes wandered across the room
All the things I had once longed for seemed useless to me now
The fresh air from the window revealed the atmosphere outside
My breathing echoed inside my heart causing a resonant...
I longed for yesterday.

Yesterday, I knew I had a full day ahead of me
I knew I had the strength to live on
I knew I would see tomorrow's sunrise
I knew I had the time to laze around
Now, I longed for that time.

The time to say my last appreciation
The time to tell my mother how grateful I am,
for standing by me ever since the day,
I first let out the words, 'Mama!'
The time to repent and let God know that,
I was wrong to have waited till now.

The time ... the time to say,
'Thank you' to all who took me for a friend.
Now, I long for the truth!

Why am I dying?
Why didn't you ever tell me that AIDS hurt?
Why didn't you prepare a better life for me?
Why did it have to happen to me now,
at a time like this,
when I have people depending on me?
Why didn't you ever tell me about AIDS?

You have the chance now to know about AIDS,
so don't fool around ....
It may be too late!!!

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