Is it the riveting conversation? The ability to rub any, See its not conceivable. Me was not thinking of any Adversity When I thought Fanani Flava Only Nicesities Maybe It's the wine And the understanding wiles The place we've set for life to have smiles At every stage like a baby growing Though there's the late night pledge It's all a beauty wedged In its experience Fanani Flava; A place to Savor By Ketronique

March 2008

Red to Black Roses.

Now on death row,
déjà vu she has had him there before,
In his mind, that bitch had to go,
Looking straight with no remorse,
Surrounded by walls,
Little light penetrating through the cracks,
Of these molded wallsShe drowned his soul,
Broke the only happiness he ever worn,
That’s why he put two
Probably fourLeft her soaked on her own blood,
As she choked,
He recited her the poems
Now we both mourn. I
bet in her mind,
She thought she could crawl,
Rush to the door, Too sad,
It was all too late too cold,
Angels already all around to take her home.


Bahati M.

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